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Healthy weight healthy cholesterol

Have you been trying to lose weight, but also wondered about your cholesterol? You don’t have to be overweight to have high cholesterol, but overweight people are more at risk of high cholesterol and the dangers it presents. Lowering your cholesterol levels can help you lower your weight.

How can lower cholesterol help weight loss?

Most people know cholesterol is a waxy substance that is found in our blood and can lead to the clogging of our arteries. However, cholesterol is also found in all our fatty organs–liver, heart, brain and reproductive system–areas of the body that cholesterol testing normally does not include. Our cells need cholesterol for the integrity of our cell membranes, that is, to build structure to the cell. It is also important for producing hormones such as oestrogen, testosterone, adrenalin, and helps the metabolism to work more efficiently.

There are two types of cholesterol. One is called HDL (high density lipoprotein) and the LDL (low density lipoprotein).

  • HDL is known as “good cholesterol” because it works with the liver to eliminate excess cholesterol from your body.
  • LDL is called “bad cholesterol” because it takes cholesterol to your arteries, leading to the clogging of our arteries as mentioned before.

What are the usual suspects when it comes to cholesterol and weight gain?

When lowering cholesterol most people don’t know quite where to start in terms of what sort of things to eat. The obvious culprits are those that are high in saturated fats. Lard, full fat cheese, and meats that contain a high level of fat all fall into this category. Meat products to watch for include sausages, meats that you eat with the skin, or processed meats.

Other foods you should be avoiding are if you want to lose weight and keep a healthy cholesterol are:

  • Cakes and sugary treats. Raise your LDL and will lower your HDL.
  • Crisps (potato chips). These are high on the processed food list.
  • Refined Grains products. These are high on the glycaemic (sugar) index and will raise your LDL.
  • Milk and cheese products. Milk fat can have negative effects on your cholesterol due to some of the fatty acids it contains.

What foods should I include in my diet to lower cholesterol and lose weight?

If you want to be healthy and maintain a good weight, including beneficial and healthy foods that also contribute to lowering cholesterol levels, such as:

  • Fresh vegetables: Cabbage, artichokes and broccoli are foods that protect your arteries from a build-up of plaque.
  • Salmon: This fish promotes good cholesterol because of the essential fatty acid it contains.
  • Nuts: Almonds are good for weight loss, due to their antioxidant properties and as a protein they also help fight weight gain and promote a feeling fullness.
  • Beans and legumes: These are high in fibre and we need fibre to get rid of excess cholesterol.
  • Olive oil: This is a good fat, and we need good fats to break down bad fats.
  • Avocado: These contain good levels of soluble fibre and a source of good fat.
  • Garlic: Apart from tasting great, it has so many positive health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol, and reduces blood pressure, which sometimes goes hand in hand with high cholesterol.

Not enough has been said about how fibre can lower cholesterol. It helps rid the body of excess cholesterol by binding with the cholesterol. Because fibre is not digested, the cholesterol bound to it passes through digestive system along with the fibre without being absorbed by the body.

The importance of adding fibre into your diet for lowering cholesterol

Soluble fibre is something that is often found lacking in the western diet. This may be because eating things like potatoes, which are easy to make, are low in fibre but easily accompany most other foods groups in a meal.  However, adding more fibre into our diets is not as difficult as it sounds with a little planning.

  • Oat bran. Typically people will have porridge oats for breakfast, but did you know that by adding things like 2 tablespoons of soluble fibre like oat bran into foods like soups, casseroles, smoothies and salads, is an easy way to increasing your intake of fibre?
  • Lentils, beans and peas. Increase your variety of foods to make lentil casseroles, add some beans and peas into your rice dishes to add that additional fibre.
  • Salads and vegetables. You can also add fibre into salads, dips include some roasted vegetables as a side dish with your protein, when you have your
  • Fresh fruit for dessert. Choose a healthier option that contains fibre, like a good fresh fruit salad containing, apples, strawberries, prunes, pears…all this mixture of fruit adds fibre into our diet.


The importance of drinking water to support weight loss

It is important to stay hydrated to help shift toxins out of the body. Water also helps to deal with cravings for food. Sometimes people eat more when they are dehydrated, because they confuse it with hunger when in fact they need hydration. Drinking in between meals will stop your hunger.

Completing your meal before 9pm

You should aim to complete your last meal of the day by 9 pm. Otherwise you will be going to bed on a full stomach, giving your digestion and liver an extra workload that it doesn’t need.  Optimum “liver time” is between 1 AM – 3 AM, when it filters the toxins from the blood in preparation for the next day. Eating after 9 PM disrupts this flow of digestion and interferes for the liver to fully recuperate while you sleep.


Everything is linked in the body

In this blog I have addressed how cholesterol levels can be linked to weight management. When you lose weight you can also use the opportunity to lower your cholesterol, if necessary.


If you like the blog please do share it in your social media. And do leave any comments and I will make sure I respond to you.


How to Lose Weight for Summer


Spring is already here and as we move into summer, I’m sure you ladies will be digging out your swimwear and your bikinis and looking forward to booking a summer holiday.

The good news that we still have several months to prepare our beach bodies but no doubt the weeks will fly by so there’s no time like the present to start thinking about how to shed a few pounds.

With that in mind this blog will outline some top tips about what to focus on if you really want to lose some weight in time for summer.

The problem with fad diets

Before we come to those tips it’s worth noting that trying to lose weight for so many people means trying out the latest fad diet. My question for you if you have tried out those fad diets is have you ever managed to keep the weight off? Or does your weight fluctuate, like the yo-yo effect?

The problem with fad diets is that they are too difficult to stick to and they only focus on food. They overlook the fact that weight loss is not simply about what you eat, it’s also about how you eat, what your lifestyle is like and what genes you’ve inherited from your parents. All these factors should be taken into account as you work towards reaching a weight goal that’s sustainable.

So here are my top tips for losing weight and staying healthy this summer

1 – It’s about more than just food

Losing weight is not about just focusing on the food you eat, it’s about much more than that.

2 – Set yourself a target weight and date

Setting a target weight and date to strive towards can help you retain the kind of focus that can make all the difference. Although, if you don’t reach your desired weight goal then you mustn’t despair, simply focus on how much weight you have lost and try to maintain that positive mindset.

Always give yourself a minimum of three months because your metabolism will need time to adjust to its new regime. Starting out with a cleanse can be beneficial as it will help your body rid itself of parasites, candida and old waste.

3 – Be sure to get enough sleep

If you don’t get enough sleep, your body will not fat burn efficiently. This also means that your cortisol levels will increase due to stress and have a knock-on effect on your appetite. Stress has a negative effect on weight, the first place we store fat is around our midriff, in particular during the menopause, due to the drop in estrogen levels.

Getting into good lifestyle habits will help you and your body relax and will change your mindset to calm the adrenals. Remove anything that causes you a lack of sleep, for example, watching TV just before you go to bed, or using a computer late at night. Instead you could read a book, do something relaxing, like deep breathing exercises or turn on some of your favourite ‘chill out’ music. Remember that a relaxed mind means a relaxed body which equals more efficient fat burning.

3 – Beware of intolerances

Food intolerances can also play a major part in weight gain, in particular if your body reacts negatively to certain foods. This negative reaction provokes an inflammatory response to the negative food which can then make it more difficult for you to lose weight.

4 – Stay active

If you’re aiming to lose weight then you should try to include some exercise in your daily routine. If going to the gym is not your thing then you can always walk to your local shop instead of driving, take the dog out for a walk, climb up and down the stairs more times than usual or find some other way to add some exercise into your routine.

5 – Be careful with carbs

Try to exclude eating carbohydrates in your evening meal. Instead, eat a good source of protein and a mix of vegetables.  Eating nutrient dense food will help eliminate any food cravings and give you the sense of feeling full and satisfied.

The problem with carbohydrates is that they turn into sugar during digestion and can disturb your sleep patterns. Normally people wake up during the early hours of the morning because their blood sugar takes a dip, causing insulin to move the sugar out of the blood and into the cells, which gives you a sleepy sensation. This is all great but when that dip takes place blood sugar triggers a stress response in the body, increasing both cortisol and adrenaline, waking you up and potentially keeping you from getting the sleep you need.

6 – Eat with the sun

A good rule of thumb is to always eat like the sun – so as the sun winds down so should you.

You should also give yourself at least a five hour break between meals because this will support correct metabolism and give your digestion process a break before it deals with the next intake of food.

7 – No food after 9pm

You should always aim to complete your final meal of the day by 9pm. The reason for this is that your liver is an organ of filtration and it works very hard to make sure that nutrients are absorbed and fat is digested but eating late at night overworks the liver and makes it sluggish and makes the fat burning process inefficient.

8 – Drink plenty of water

Always make sure that you drink enough water if you’re trying to lose weight. Insufficient water in the body makes it harder to get rid of morbid matter and toxins. You should aim to drink at least between 1.5 and 2 litres of water per day.

I hope these tips help you achieve your weight loss goals this summer!

Remember that steady weight loss is far better than losing weight too fast because sudden changes to your diet put your body into starvation mode which make it cling on to fat, which then makes it super difficult to keep the weight off.

Thanks for reading everyone – until next time – be positive, be sensible and treat your body with respect!

And if you found this post helpful please share the inspiration on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook

A testimonial from a Metabolic Balance Client

Started the Metabolic Balance program after trying lots of other diets based ‘on trend’ which haven’t given me the expected results and also put me into starvation. I almost gave up trying to lose weight until I came across MB. This diet was so far the best decision I ever made in regards to weight loss. Start weight was at 95kg ( 14.96 stone), and after 2 and half months I am down to 83 kg (13.07 stone) and still dropping. Seeing my clothes baggy and fitting in smaller sizes is one of the most satisfying feelings a women can have. Noticeable change occurred in my sleep, skin , mood and energy level.

Wouldn’t achieve all this without the help of Christina , who was there whenever I needed her advice and support she was excellent.

To everybody out there who struggles losing weight , Metabolic Balance is the answer.

I highly recommend this program! It is life changing!’




Testimonial from a client on Metabolic Balance who loses 28lbs

Like to share what a client said this morning::

Thank you ever so much for all your help and support and for the brilliant diet of Metabolic Balance . I am really happy with the results .


Client loses 28lbs in seven weeks, sleep has improved, energy and skin is much clearer and healthier.

Why I recommend Metabolic Balance

Why I recommend Metabolic Balance

My own Story as a coach and a practitioner and why I recommend Metabolic Balance

I have tried many diets during my lifetime, but one I have truly found easy to do is the Metabolic Balance program.  Cooking evening family meals, I don’t feel that I must cook something totally different for myself, my family can eat what I eat, except for foods that are not on my plan. How easy is this?

On the plan for 11 weeks, I am enjoying the treat day, a glass of red wine, or during a family reunion a wonderful dessert, and still maintaining my weight!  It is a real-life changer, and it's true what they say, your mindset becomes more positive, when you start to feel wonderful changes!

You will not be alone when you start your diet, I will be here to help, guide you and give you advise, to keep you on the right track. Metabolic Balance has won two awards already, read on.

Why is Metabolic Balance different?

Your plan is accomplished without hunger or fasting, no meal replacements, calorie counting or fat-free products, it is pure food.   This program encourages the body to fat burn, preventing the yo-yo effect.

The sort of changes you can expect to see from doing this plan will be physical and mental well-being and it will improve performance and disposition and may be noticeable in a few days! It also does wonders for your skin, so if this is an area you have been struggling with for years, consider doing this program.

So how does it work?

There are four phases to this program: Phase 1 – 2 days to prepare the body for its new regime.  Phase 2 – A 14 day structured nutritional input to replenish the missing nutrients and restore vitality.  Phase 3 – Time to find your rhythm, acquire new knowledge about your individual needs and reach your goal.

Phase 4 – Live your ideal lifestyle with all the tools, knowledge and accomplishments of metabolic balance.

As your coach, I will only be a phone call away, should you need further help and assistance.

What is included in the price?

  • Your initial blood test
  • Your food plans
  • Your seven appointments (includes the first appointment) Appointments will be spread over a three-month period, enabling me “the coach” to monitor your progress during this time.
  • 4 emails to the coach for further support

Normal total price £1200 – £1100 for new clients

If you have a target weight loss/gain in mind, why not contact me to discuss this further.

Why it’s important to have your coach support you during the Metabolic Balance Program

Metabolic Balance support


There are many diet plans out there, some of which most of us have already at some point tried out, including myself.  My frustration before becoming a nutritionist was:

  • Where to start
  • What is the best way forward
  • What I shouldn’t eat, (apart from the usual chocolates, cakes)
  • What are the best things to include in the diet going forward.

I am sure you’ve had many questions floating around in your mind, to sort out the best approach!

Wouldn't it be nice

Wouldn’t it be nice to simply have someone you can ask a question to, for support? What do friends say when you tell them you’re going on a diet, watch their faces! How do you feel once you’ve been on the diet, would you get bored, if you plateau or don’t lose any further weight would you becoming despondent?

Guidance and support of someone who knows you

Want the guidance and support of a practitioner/Metabolic coach who has gotten to know you though a health assessment, someone who is certified and able to support you through your weight loss journey? If you have answered yes to all the above, then these are some of the reasons why it is important for Metabolic Coaches to engage and support clients.  They have the specialised knowledge and experience to help overcome any obstacles and will prove to be a vital element in your success.

Metabolic Balance the program does so much more than Weigh loss

Metabolic Balance is a three-month package you can take out with a coach.  The program does so much more than weight loss, and therefore, this is another reason to ask your coach for her advice and support, most of us have different goals and levels of what we want to achieve, and having a coach who is qualified to advise and support you every step of the way, and who can work with you to achieve your goals is important.

Lose 2-4 lbs per week

You will lose between 2-4 lbs a week, if this is one of your goals, please give me a call and I’d be more than happy to answer any other questions. Or click here to send a request.


New clients £1100 (normal price £1200)


Christina Martin

Twitter: Follow my progress on twitter @futurehealthLDN

Facebook: futurehealthmanagement

My own journey with Metabolic Balance!

Metabolic Balance is a great way to balance your metabolism and give the body what it lacks.  I became a coach, so that I can help others achieve their ideal goals, be it weight loss, hormonal balancing, and kicks starts weight loss that doesn't come off.

I became a coach for metabolic balance, I liked the sounds of no cravings, you eat real food, no fad diet or gimmicky diet and I could not wait to use it myself to losing weight, and balance my own hormones.  It's brilliant, you can eat things you like, and you don’t have to starve yourself! It is particularly hard to lose weight once you reach 40 and over.  Food today is often rich in refined carbohydrates and empty calories, and depriving us of vital vitamins and minerals.  Metabolic Balance is a scientifically proven program, devised by medical experts with decades of research and development.  The program is tailored to your individual needs, your lab results tests highlight specific areas that may be addressed through your personal food plan. The program has won two awards already.

Why is Metabolic Balance different?

Your plan is accomplished without hunger or fasting, no meal replacements, calorie counting or fat-free products, it is pure food.   This program encourages the body to fat burn, preventing the yo-yo effect.

The sort of changes you can expect to see from doing this plan will be physical, and mental well-being and it will improve performance and disposition, and may be noticeable in a few days! It also does wonders for your skin, so if this is an area you've been struggling with for years, consider doing this program.

My own Metabolic Balance Journey!

I have been on the program myself now for almost three weeks, and updating my twitter followers on my progress, from weight change,  inches lost on my waist and BMI change. If you'd like to follow my journey and progress, please join me on twitter @ecmartin1

I have lost 13 lbs in almost three weeks and I can honestly say, I am not board, have craving and really feel full and satisfied with what I am eating.

How does it affect my family during meal times?

We all eat what is on my food list, with the exception of some extra foods they have that I don't have, because it's not on my food plan, so it's not big deal, The picture above is an example of what I had for lunch today, almost like a naked bowl of Mexican food. The mice lamb, had garlic and herbs and the salad was lovely and fresh, I really enjoyed eating it!

What is included in the price?

  • Your initial blood test
  • Your food plan
  • Your seven appointments (includes the first appointment) Appointments will be spread over a three month period, enabling me “the coach” to monitored your progress during this time.
  • 4 emails to the coach for further support

If you'd like to know more or you'd like to have an initial telephone consultation, I'd love to hear from you!


Metabolic Balance for Life!

As a holistic practitioner, I came across a course that I belive will be beneficial for my clients and potential clients.  I liked its ethos and it’s a health program that I am going to take part in myself. called Metabolic Balance

Metabolic Balance is a great way to balance your metabolism and give the body what it lacks.  I became a coach, so that I can help others achieve their ideal goals, be it weight loss, hormonal balancing, or if your weight loss has come to a standstill. Metabolic Balance would be an ideal program for these types of health issues,  if this sounds like you, then this will be the program for you.

I like the fact that you can eat things you like, and you don’t have to starve yourself, and wait for it, no more cravings! It is particularly hard to lose weight once you reach 40 and over.  Food today is often rich in refined carbohydrates and empty calories, and depriving us of vital vitamins and minerals.  Metabolic Balance is a scientifically proven program, devised by medical experts with decades of research and development.  The program is tailored to your individual needs, your lab results tests highlight specific areas that may be addressed through your personal food plan.

Why is Metabolic Balance different?

Your plan is accomplished without hunger or fasting, no meal replacements, calorie counting or fat-free products, it is pure food.   This program encourages the body to fat burn, preventing the yo-yo effect.

The sort of changes you can expect to see from doing this plan will be physical and mental well-being and it will improve performance and disposition and may be noticeable in a few days! It also does wonders for your skin, so if this is an area you have been struggling with for years, consider doing this program.

So how does it work?

There are four phases to this program: Phase 1 – 2 days to prepare the body for its new regime.  Phase 2 – A 14 day structured nutritional input to replenish the missing nutrients and restore vitality.  Phase 3 – Time to find your rhythm, acquire new knowledge about your individual needs and reach your goal.

Phase 4 – Live your ideal lifestyle with all the tools, knowledge and accomplishments of metabolic balance.

As your coach, I will only be a phone call away, should you need further help and assistance.

What is included in the price?

  • Your initial blood test
  • Your food plan
  • Your seven appointments (includes the first appointment) Appointments will be spread over a three month period, enabling me “the coach” to monitored your progress during this time.
  • 4 emails to the coach for further support

The total price £1200 - Spring/Summer offer £950 for new clients, offered until 31st July 2016

If you like what you've heard and want to change your life, then please  contact me

Keeping weight off with the Metabolic Balance Program

Have you been struggling with weight for a long time? The metabolic balance program may be right for you! This diet will maintain a healthy lifestyle and weight management. The program was developed by doctors and nutritionists in Germany.  It’s well established in Germany, Switzerland and Austria and was introduced to the UK in 2008. The diet is tailored made based on your blood analysis and generates an eating plan for you, but it is not to be confused with the Blood Type Diet, because it’s not based on your blood type.

You eat three nutritious meals every day and choose the foods for your meals from your personal food list. With the help of the right foods and a few simple rules you establish a new regime that enables you to achieve and maintain your perfect weight. The program promotes hormone balance, among other things, primarily by regulating the amount of insulin your body produces. Fat burning and weight loss occur almost as a side effect of restored hormone balance.  As a metabolic coach, my job will be to support and coach you through the four metabolic phases, you may have seen from the press, that celebrities like Boy George and Sam Smith have had great success with this diet, and is scientifically proven.

  • Improvements in energy levels
  • Weight loss (where losing weight has been difficult in the past)
  •  Improved digestion
  •  Improved cholesterol levels
  •  Stable blood sugar levels
  •  A reduction in blood pressure
  •  Elimination of uncomfortable menopausal symptoms
  •  Alleviation of inflammatory joint problems
  •  Much improved skin condition
  •  Stronger bones
  • Improved moods and lifting of depression
  •  Better sleep

For further details please contact me on 07956843575 or email me at  And see the new you transform!