
+44 (0)208 095 0380


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Mon - Fri: 9am- 5pm

Started the Metabolic Balance program after trying lots of other diets based ‘on trend’ which haven’t given me the expected results and also put me into starvation. I almost gave up trying to lose weight until I came across MB. This diet was so far the best decision I ever made in regards to weight loss. Start weight was at 95kg ( 14.96 stone), and after 2 and half months I am down to 83 kg (13.07 stone) and still dropping. Seeing my clothes baggy and fitting in smaller sizes is one of the most satisfying feelings a women can have. Noticeable change occurred in my sleep, skin , mood and energy level.

Wouldn’t achieve all this without the help of Christina , who was there whenever I needed her advice and support she was excellent.

To everybody out there who struggles losing weight , Metabolic Balance is the answer.

I highly recommend this program! It is life changing!’


