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Integrating corporate wellness to remain competitive

How corporate wellness can contribute to business success

More and more organisations are realising the benefits of integrating corporate wellness into their working practices to combat employee ill-health and ensure their business remains competitive.

Every employee makes a valuable contribution to the success of your organisation and their ill-health can have a damaging effect on your business. Future Health Management is passionate about helping businesses succeed through corporate wellness programmes to maintain their employees’ physical and mental wellbeing.

Business benefits of corporate wellness

  • lower absenteeism
  • increased productivity over a longer period of time
  • higher job satisfaction
  • better employee retention
  • improved business competitiveness
  • higher profits
£77 Billion annual loss in productivity due to staff sickness

Bespoke corporate wellness programmes

With over 20 years of corporate experience, Christina Martin DHNP, AIT, mIFM at Future Health Management, understands the stresses and strains of working in a fast-paced environment. Her corporate wellness workshops and talks are tailored to meet your company and employee needs.

Christina also provides a variety of on-site health services for clients opting to have someone close at hand. She uses holistic therapies and new technologies that she has tried and tested herself. This includes naturopathy, nutritional therapy and stress management.

These bespoke corporate wellness programmes enable your employees to maintain optimum health and ensure productivity, business success and higher job satisfaction.

Regardless of whether your employees carry out sedentary office work or have physically-demanding roles, corporate wellness is fundamental to the continued success of your business.

Corporate wellness packages

Future Health Management offers a series of bespoke workshops and talks aimed at helping professionals maintain their health and wellbeing.

Alternatively, you can hire Christina to be your personal on-site holistic practitioner for the day or book a specific number of one-hour sessions, where she will support your employees with their relevant health issue.

Stress can also affect productivity and absenteeism through stress can take an employee out of work for up to a year. As part of the corporate wellness package, stress management can also be built into these sessions. Christina always advises clients on how to maintain good practices following their consultation. Regular maintenance sessions are also available.

If conventional methods haven’t worked for you, find out how a qualified naturopathic functional medicine practitioner can support you on your journey to improved health and well-being.