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Do you have the energy you had when you were in your thirties?

If the answer is no, then ask yourself, why not? Is there something you could proactively be doing to change your life and make positive changes towards having better health and more energy!

When we reach our fifties and our energy levels change, we tend to accept this as normal, maybe because were twenty years older and we believe this is a natural progression, towards feeling less energy and feeling more tired. I have to tell you, that this does not have to be the case, you can be fifty and feel wonderful, just like you did in your thirties. So, how can I do this, how can I change my life, how can I stop feeling so tired and start feeling better? I can help you make these changes, you will be surprised just how easy it is to change, to adopt a new regime, and to feel amazing.

Change can be difficult, but once you take those first initial steps and you start feeling that positive change, believe me, you’ll want to do more and stick with it, you won’t look back!

I always believe that when it comes to one’s health, it’s worth the investment. Feeling great makes you feel positive and changes your outlook on life.

Let’s get started! Let’s make those changes, pick up that phone and call me, we can have that initial chat ………………..

Biofeedback therapy – What benefit will it have for me?

Biofeedback therapy – What benefit will it have for me?

This therapy is designed to provide an accuracy of 98% as it focuses on the source of information, the brain.  When you are initially fully scanned, the machine will accumulate all the information that it has on all the changes that occur in the body.  The headphones have sensors which trigger the brain to communicate frequencies that occur within the body.  It detects change from a cellular level; this detection can be changes in bacteria, viruses, parasites or any disease manifestation or biochemically happening.  The frequency detected is unique and identified by name and developing stage.

The good thing about this is that it alerts me to any predispositions or manifestations of the disease, which is not available by any other research method e.g. x-ray, ultrasound or MRI.

The scan can take 30 minutes accumulating information and it will point out which organs need attention.  The good thing about doing the full body scan initially is that it gives me the opportunity to investigate other organs, for example if you come to see me because you are suffering from constant headaches, the machine will also inform me of what other organs need to be looked at before the disease manifests.  It is recommended that we do two sessions a week for a period of 2 to 3 months, should the machine indicate that you require a remedy made for you, this can be done once I complete your therapy.  I would recommend the Oberon practically for any health issue, be it infertility, intolerances, problems with the eyes, with the stomach and for any other problematic health issues. This therapy can also be used for children.

It is also a great visual tool for the client.  If you would like to book your sessions please go to our “online store, consultation”.  There are discounts available if you book 8 or 12 sessions, if you’d like more information please email me.  Any other questions I’m happy to help.

Been living with a health issue for a long time?

Been living with a health issue for a long time? Have already been down the NHS route but they can’t find anything wrong?  Read on…..

One of the many reasons why clients come to see me is because they have had a health issue for many years, or they have already visited their GP and gotten a private referral to see a consultant.  The client feels that there is something not quite right, but the consultants find nothing wrong. As a nutritionist and naturopath I look at a wider picture, which is why the case history is so helpful.  You will be with me for approximately 1 hour or 1 hour fifteen minutes.  Once the case has been taken, I will look at links and things I can see to be possible problems, including any predispositions that you may have genetically which could be a potential issue.

After the initial stage I will make recommendations. This could mean changing your diet, looking into deficiencies or even recommending further investigation like functional tests.  The initial consultation will always be a bit more expensive than the follow ups, as the initial meeting takes longer and I want to make sure that I have gathered all the necessary information that I need to put together a good programme for you.

Follow ups may also be recommended as this will give us both the opportunity for feedback or to make any further changes or recommendations.  The follow ups will be a 30 minute appointment.

How long will it take to recover? Well, this is a question that will depend on many things, such as how well you follow the programme and if you stray from the programme.  We are all very different and our recovery times are also very different.  I would say that some people may recover within 3 to 6 months and others within 1 year or 2 years.  I always say if you notice even a slight change, then this is a positive sign and you should continue doing what has been recommended to you.  When I offer telephone support to clients, I recommend that you ask only about what we have dealt with during our consultation and if there are other pressing issues with your health, then the time to deal with them is during a follow up.  Bombarding you with multiple issues will only confuse you, and I always recommend dealing with one health goal at a time.  I am happy to provide a five minute telephone support call for you, anything longer than that will have to been dealt with during a follow up, or via a paid Skype call.  I have had clients come back to me after a week on the programme to say that they are starting to see a difference, others may say the same thing after a few weeks or a month.  The important thing here is that recovery is taking place!

How do functional test work within my practice?  The test will be paid for via my website, I do recommend that once you have received the test, that you read the instructions thoroughly before doing it.  Tests results can take up to two weeks to come back to me, after I receive the test, I will schedule a follow up to discuss the outcome of the test and make any changes to your diet or to any supplemental programme if needed.

What will the cost implications be?  Well, it will be cheaper than going to a private consultant.  Some test are more expensive than others, for example, an adrenal stress test may cost £99 which is reasonable, while a comprehensive stool test costs £284, but is well worth it.  Some private health insurances may cover these tests, this is something that you will have to run by your private health care provider.  I will only recommend these tests if I feel the need to do further investigations. The cost of these tests will be in addition to your consultation with me, or to any supplements recommended.

All the fees are on my website under “on line shop, consultations”.



On Site Holistic Management

On Site Holistic Management – Your own holistic practitioner at hand

For some years now I have provided on-site naturopathy, nutritional therapy and stress management for clients opting to have someone close at hand.

Site visits include film locations, hotels and spas, sport locations and corporations. Currently UK based, though non-UK based can be done by arrangement and availability.

Naturopathy works well for clients who want to be supported holistically–mind, spirit and body–in other words, the focus will not just be on a single area of the body, but on the whole person. Enjoy the benefits of having your own holistic consultant at hand.

As an example, have you ever experienced pain during a film shoot and felt unable to give your best? What would you say if I could reduce the pain and discomfort by at least 50% or more? This particular therapy works on the pressure points of the body to relieve pain; you can feel the difference in as little as ten seconds.

I use a variety of therapies and new technologies that I have researched and tested out myself with great success. These are used in conjunction with my naturopathic techniques. You will receive a professional and friendly service.

You can contact me via email or through my PA and I will endeavour to provide a personal response within the hour.

You can hire me to be your personal holistic practitioner and look after you for the duration of the day, or employ me to provide 7 to 9 sessions per day, each session provides an hour of consultancy time per person.

  • Cost per day for 7 hours £1080 includes techniques and equipment used.
  • Cost per day for 9 hours £ 1450 includes techniques and equipment used.

This programme can be tailored for each individual needs and requirements. Stress management sessions may be tailored into these sessions.

I always advise clients to keep “good practices” going once they have done a session with me. You can also choose to do a maintenance session once a month or every other month by booking the session after your consultation. This ensures that I work around you and secure the date you want.

How to Choose a Qualified Practitioner

I have been a Naturopathy practitioner now for many years now and over the years a few people have ask me about my qualifications. Usually the reason they ask is because they’ve had a bad experience elsewhere.

I started training in 2002 and accomplished a 3 year degree in Naturopathy in 2008:

Registered with the Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners (Fntp),
National College of Holistic Medicine
School of Natural Health Sciences.
NHS Trust Association Complementary Practitioner (NHSTA)

The advice that I can give you is to make sure that whichever practitioner you visit check what recognised qualifications they have gained. There are unfortunately some practitioners out there that have taken a two day course and claim practitioner status.

Most bona fide practitioners will also belong to a regulatory body. From my experience a regulatory body will not take anyone on unless they have proper qualification status or have done a course with a college or university of recognition.

The other things to look for are that the practitioner has professional indemnity insurance, which again, insurance companies will not take you on unless you have a recognised diploma(s).

Once Chosen Stick With Them

Each practitioner will have their own methods of working and how they do things this is often because of their type of therapy. I strongly recommend to “sticking to one practitioner” give them a chance to make a difference, many people flit from one therapy to another impatient to see results. Not only is this expensive but makes assessments very difficult for the different practitioners.

I fully understand why people do this, usually out of pure frustration to find an answer to their health problem(s). The biological fact is that no organ can change in less than three months, however I have had clients feel a different after a week, but generally speaking, three months is the minimum, bearing in mind that many people have lived with bad health for a prolonged period of time.

Complimentary Consultation To Find The Answer To Your Health Problem

As a practitioner I am always happy to have an initial no obligation chat with you about your health challenges and obviously for you to find out all about me. I am always in my Ealing clinic on a Monday mornings. Give me a call on 01234 456 789 to book a convenient time.

I’m also available for an initial complimentary chat at my clinic at the Dorchester in Park Lane and other clinics in Wimpole Street, Harley Street, Knightsbridge, Chelsea, and Kensington.

Just call me on 020 8991 1490 to arrange a convenient time to discuss your health issues and how I can start you on your road to recovery.

I look forward to hearing from you

Christina Martin DHNP, AIP, SNHS

Sweets offered in restaurants can cause health problems

When going out to restaurants do you ever ask yourself when you’re offered a mint or a sweet with your bill, “should I eat it?”

Fortunately there are now more restaurants offering sweets with wrappers. However, I have come across a few that are still serving sweets unwrapped, like the round mints, or even nuts and peanuts left on a counter.

I have seen people, sometimes children, pick them up and return them to the container. It is good practice when visiting the bathroom to wash ones hands. Unwrapped sweets may contain traces of urine and fecal bacteria; this comes from bathroom users who don’t wash their hands (or those who pick them up and put them back into the bowl) which can pose a health risk.

Another issue are toothpicks, always make sure that they are individually wrapped or given to you in a healthy manner and not in a way which may be handled by anyone.

Both human and animal feces can pose a health risk.

Human waste is considered a bio waste as it’s a good route for transporting both viral and bacterial diseases.

Take into consideration how one gets threadworms, this can be carried under the fingernail and ingested through the act of nail biting or by put your fingers in your mouth. This is why it’s very important to maintain a good hygienic mind set. Other parasites can give you symptoms including stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea which can lead to dehydration, fever and weight loss. These symptoms can last for up to two weeks.

Thank God for our stomach acid! The hydrochloric acid in your gastric juices kills microorganisms.

Next time you go into a restaurant and given a mint or anything else that’s unwrapped, think twice about taking it.

And remember; always wash your hands after leaving the bathroom.

Power Plate Exercise

Keeping your body healthy is something very important, especially as we get older. As a mother myself, I know how difficult it is to work, be a mother, wife and housekeeper.

With such a busy lifestyle it is always good to do exercise little and often or when you can fit it in, for example, taking a walk to your local shop instead of taking the car. This is a good start and you will be amazed how it tones your body and helps weight loss.

One piece of equipment you could keep in the house which is small and will not take up a lot of room is a power plate. I have one myself and find it very useful and do try to go on it when I have a spare fifteen minutes in the evening or at the weekend.

Power plates are very good for toning and come with an exercise booklet. The exercises cover many aspects of the body like toning up your bum, legs, arms and it is also good if you suffer form back problems or weak muscles. If you work on strengthening your stomach, this also helps support the back.

The power plate is also good for circulatory problems, however, always check with the supplier should you suffer from any health issues or if you have any queries or questions ask them and I’m sure they will advise you.

Power Plate machines are becoming accepted in the medical field for the treatment of different types of illnesses and injuries.

From what I’ve read in my own booklet, this type of exercise is good for the following conditions:

Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Osteoporosis, Diabetes, Arthritis, Rheumatism and Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s Disease, Lower Back Pain, Obesity, Circulation problems, Lymph Oedema, Varicose Veins.

When used, you may feel a slight busy, tingly sensation around the legs or the area where you’ve used the power plate; this is quite normal, in fact, this sensation is your circulation, the rhythmic contractions of the muscle encourage blood circulation.

Situations and health issues that affect children

Parents often have a very difficult job raising children to make sure that they provide them a good start to life and are given the tools to stand on their own two feet eventually.

Other things may cause children issues, be it health or environmental. Indicated here are the top points:

This year there has been a lot in the press about children being obese. This is quite a hot topic because children should be active, fit and healthy. Many of today’s environmental factors may be contributing to this health issue. When I was growing up all I remember is playing outside, riding a bike and running after my friends; now-a-days, children like to sit in front of a computer or Xbox and play games, this is ok providing the parents keep an eye on the amount of time their children are sitting in front of a computer or television. Also, heightened fears about kids’ safety while playing outside can curtail some of their activity. While they are sitting down they are far less active, this could have other implications on digestion, concentration, even delaying going to the toilet. I have seen many children with bad posture, due to long periods of immobility, or the longer they play the more they slouch. Lack of exercise will make children obese, they use less energy, get into bad eating habits, or are allowed to eat in front of the TV or while playing their games.

Drug abuse is also a big problem in today society. I’ve read horror stories of drug dealers hanging outside schools. Peer pressure. Rap music has also been blamed for behavioural problems and drug taking. Smoking is number three on the list. Again most kids smoke because their friends do it and they think it’s cool. Teaching children from a young age that these things are dangerous and of the implications of getting involved may help by encouraging them to go to the library and find information about these topics.

Number three on the list, bullying. When a child is bullied at school, they will make every excuse not to go to school. Try and get your children to open up to you and explain the situation. Talking to the bully’s parent may be an initial step in resolving the issue. If not, bringing it to the headmasters attention may be advisable.

Number four on the list is internet safety. There are many different types of internet security that you can install on the computer. I know of one called net nanny, which I heard about through my husband. You can also use parental options to lock down things you don’t want your children to see. The Xbox has a family timer, from 5 minutes upwards, select an appropriate time for the Xbox to switch off. Stress in number five. Kids may be affected by stress due to exams, problems happening at home, abuse. Depending on the severity of the stress and what is causing it, parents should seek professional help. Often someone neutral could help and the child may open up to them further. Children need stability and a routine, and of course rules, to adhere to.

Teen pregnancy is also on the list. One of parent’s worse nightmares is for their daughter to become pregnant. Again this is something that parents can talk to them about before they start secondary school. I personally do not think that letting a 9-year-old watch a programme about teen pregnancy is wrong, providing it is educational. Showing them newspaper clipping of stories relating to this topic is educational. Being open with your children and building a good relationship is also important. As parents we should be showing them the way and supporting them.

Teaching them the difference between making love and having sex, diseases like HIV, Chlamydia. Sometimes if the parents have had a hard life themselves, it may be about breaking the cycle, to give your own children a better start.

Suffer from a short fuse?

Five mental symptoms of stress are: Low self esteem, irritability, anger, isolated, insecurity.

We have all suffered from anger at some point or another during our existence. This is a human response and better out than in. What I will say is before it turns nasty, take a deep breath, look away and count to ten, or think about going for a stroll around the block. This will give you time to rationalise and think about what you are doing. When anger is taken out on a loved one, they often say “ they made me do it, or they made me so angry they made me do it” So take a few seconds and walk away, this will allow you to calm yourself and stop you from doing something you may regret.

I always think that Tai Chi is a great way to balance your mind, to relieve stress, to calm your mind.

Deep breathing is also good for relieving stress, stop it before it turns into anger!

Getting a good night sleep helps. Sleep helps the short fuse syndrome. When you are tired or have had a few hours sleep, this can make you very agitated, especially if you can’t focus and all you want to do is get some decent sleep instead of listening to people talk, not easy to switch of if you are at work and your boss is giving you tasks to do, or your working on a deadline or project. When you have this feeling, it’s like a volcano waiting to erupt. So again, stop, count and look away for a second, taking a deep breath.

Not skipping meals is a good habit to get into; this can make you feel quite cranky and irritable. The rule applies here too! Get up, walk out and get some lunch, give yourself time to eat, this is very important.

Once home, jump in a warm bath and put in some Epsom salts, this will help the muscles relax. Take long deep breaths while in the bath. Before retiring to bed, drink a warm camomile tea.