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Food for Mental Health

Is IBS sabotaging your life

Food for mental health is increasingly considered to be part of a proper balanced diet.

We say, ‘food for thought’ and undoubtedly what we eat affects how we feel and our ability to function.

Often when people feel depressed, food is a form of comfort. Unfortunately, so-called comfort foods are usually the ones that contain high levels of sugar and salt. They tend to be highly processed too.

The problem is that they mess up the neurotransmitters. This is because they produce a temporary rise in serotonin, along with a dopamine rush. It takes the edge off low moods for a short while. Then the cycle starts over because the underlying problem is still there.

Of course, mental illness covers a broad spectrum of conditions. Stress is particularly prevalent in our fast-paced modern life. Some people feel unable to cope in a pressured working environment. Then they eat the wrong things at the wrong time or skip meals altogether. Also, when you feel stressed, your body may struggle to digest food properly. Eating in a calm state, and at regular intervals, helps to maintain blood sugar levels. It also gives you the energy to get through the day.

15.4 million workdays lost

The Health and Safety Executive reports that 15.4 million working days were lost due to stress in 2017/18, up from 12.5 million the previous year. This equates to 57.3 per cent of the 26.8 million working days lost due to ill health.

Managers must do more to reduce the causes of stress and support employees who are struggling to cope. That includes tackling excessive workloads and other issues, such as bullying. Toxic workplaces are bad for staff and productivity.

People tend to suffer in silence. The general stigma around mental health/stress often prevents people saying how they feel. As well as anxiety, depression and mood swings, mental illness can manifest as physical symptoms, such as insomnia, headaches and back pain.

Naturopathy can help to get down to the root cause and help plan a diet that rich in foods for mental health. For example, magnesium deficiency is linked to anxiety and vitamin B complex helps with stress. Probiotics modulate the gut-brain axis to combat symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression.

Brain foods

As well as foods, I also consider the effects of anti-inflammatories. Medication like benzodiazepine can be addictive and have side effects, including drowsiness and poor balance. It can affect your coordination. This is not conducive for a working environment, especially as it can also affect memory and cause confusion. A naturopathic solution for anxiety is thiamine (B1) capsules which work very efficiently. If you feel a panic attack coming on, open a capsule and place the powder under your tongue. This helps to control the panic attacks. Another good homeopathic remedy is Aconite, just take 200c at the onset of an attack. A deficiency in vitamin C is associated with nervousness.

The Mediterranean diet is often held up as the ideal for good health as it’s high in vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, fish and unsaturated fats. A recent study found that this diet helped to reduce depression and the participants were still sustaining the good effects six months later. Eat almonds, salmon, potatoes, broccoli, sardines, sea vegetables, celery, cabbage, asparagus, legumes to offset any deficiencies in potassium, calcium and magnesium.

Eating the right foods for mental health goes a long way to improving well-being. For example, organic nuts and seeds containing natural essential fatty oils tare better for brain function than biscuits and cakes. Avocado and fresh fish are also good brain foods.

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green leaf on cookbook

Healthy eating to keep the doctor away

Top tips for healthy eating to keep the doctor away

It’s Healthy Eating Week and as good a time as any to check your diet.

When you eat good fresh food, including plenty of fruit and vegetables, you are doing your body a favour. A sensible diet helps to keep cholesterol down and your blood sugar levels stable. Also, it reduces the risk of diabetes and cancer.

Health experts regularly warn about the dangers of eating too many processed foods. Of course, we are all aware of the prevalence of obesity. Let’s just look at the figures. The Health Survey for England 2016 estimated that 26.2% of adults are obese. NHS Direct reports that more than 10,000 hospital admissions are related to obesity.

While obesity is generally the result of eating too much unhealthy food, there are other factors. They include genetic influences – if your parents are both overweight. Or it could be a slow metabolism or hormonal imbalances. Stress also plays a part as food can become a coping mechanism.

Salad or apple pie

First, let’s look at the unhealthy foods. Obviously fast foods and takeaways and anything containing high levels of fat and sugar. But a big issue is where people ‘think’ they are eating something that’s healthy. Take this as an example, a salad from a certain fast food outlet has more calories than a piece of apple pie. How can that be? Well, the answer is that all those nourishing vegetables have been coated in dressing loaded with sugar.

And, there are plenty more examples of ‘hidden’ calories. It’s a good idea to check labels for sugar content. Especially those that are low fat. When you remove the fat, which accounts for much of the flavour, you must replace it with something else. Usually more sugar.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to mean a drastic change, just a few alterations can make all the difference.

Use smaller plates

Most dinner plates are around 12” in diameter. Try using one that is between 7” and 9” instead. You can still fill it, but you will be eating less.

Obviously, you need to be careful about what you put on these smaller plates. So, as mentioned above, you need to include more of our body’s good friends – fruit and vegetables. For example, say you are making a Shepherd’s pie. Simply add more vegetables to the meat.

Other healthier options include more natural salt, such as Himalayan and replacing cream with natural yogurt.

Fish is good for you

As a naturopathic nutritionist I often extol the virtues of oily fish as part of a healthy eating regime. Salmon, tuna and trout are good examples. Try and incorporate them into your diet at least once a week.

I realise there are those who really don’t like fish. If it is a big no, no for you, then I recommend a substitute. Native Elements fish oil, which is mercury-free, is a good option.

Good carbs, bad carbs

The body needs carbs and it’s important to pick the good ones and avoid the bad ones. Or, at least only eat them in moderation.

Good carbs include brown rice, grains and legumes. In other words, foods that still have much of their nutritional value still intact. The bad carbs are the processed ones that have been nutritionally altered, including removal of fibre. These are your typical fruit drinks, white rice, white bread, cakes and pastries. They tend to have an insulin-negative effect on the body.

Satisfying the cravings

From time to time we all get cravings, usually for something sweet. We want to comfort or reward ourselves. There’s nothing wrong with giving in occasionally. However, if cravings occur regularly, chromium is good little helper. It is the main constituent of glucose tolerance. It helps deliver sugar to the cells. I recommend at least 100-200 mcg twice a day, at the times when cravings are strongest.

Don’t forget the exercise

Yes, it makes sense to supplement healthy eating with regular exercise. If you’re not a gym-goer, quite a few of the parks now have exercise equipment. They’re free to use. The bonus is the fresh air, which is great for de-stressing and clearing your head.

So, do yourself a favour and change your eating habits today. Dad’s may want to wait until Monday in case there are treats (no doubt unhealthy) in store for Father’s Day.

Please feel free to share my articles with others. If you would like to discuss further, contact me at

Book your free 15 minute telephone consultation

If conventional methods haven’t worked for you, find out how a qualified naturopathic functional medicine practitioner can support you on your journey to improved health and well-being.

Is IBS sabotaging your life

Is IBS sabotaging your life

Constipation, diarrhoea, bloating and abdominal pain – these are the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Each one itself is bad enough but two or all of them in combination results in extreme pain and discomfort. Surprisingly, it is possible to suffer from both diarrhoea and constipation.

According to the charity IBS Network, there are 12 million people in the UK with the condition and it affects women more than men. The exact cause is unknown and there is no cure. IBS is usually triggered by certain foods, stress and anxiety.

Of course, given that the unpredictable nature of the condition itself causes anxiety, sufferers are caught in a vicious circle. It can affect people’s performance at work and interfere with their social lives. After all, it’s no fun constantly needing to be near a bathroom.

IBS also affects relationships as partners have to learn to live with and understand a sufferer’s low self-esteem, loss of libido and dark moods.

A recent client was having to work extremely long hours to implement an innovative project. While she did a fantastic job, the pressure triggered her IBS. Her stomach felt like it was in knots and, every meal prompted a visit to the bathroom.

Other clients have told me that GPs have just advised them to change their diets or referred them to a psychiatrist where stress or anxiety is the main trigger of their IBS. According to the NHS website, which confirms the above, the only medication available to doctors is anti-depressants which can help to ease the symptoms.

As I said earlier, there is no cure. However, the naturopathic approach can tackle the root cause and get you from A to B using natural methods. This makes you better equipped to deal with the symptoms so that your body can recover. Naturopathy includes specific nutritional testing to identify what the body needs and, more importantly, what it doesn’t need.

Foods to avoid

Try cutting our dairy foods – cheese, particularly when melted, is hard to digest. Rice milk is a good substitute for cow’s milk, particularly if you suffer from diarrhoea. Citrus fruits, such as oranges, are best avoided. So too are any foods, like beef, containing the amino acid tyramine as this occurs naturally in the body.

I also recommend staying clear of rich, heavy meals and to avoid frying as much as possible. It’s also worth following a gluten-free diet for a month as this help.

Friendly foods

Oats, quinoa, buckwheat or millet are examples of friendly foods for IBS sufferers. In some cases, drinking 20ml of Aloe Vera juice before meals ban be beneficial. Part of the naturopathic approach is providing a diet of friendly foods to follow.

Make sure you chew food thoroughly as this sends signals to the enzymes that support digestion.

Finally, if you would like more information, or you’ve not previously considered – or been aware of – the alternative route, then here is your chance. Feel free to contact me on ……


Is work bad for your wellbeing?

Is work bad for your wellbeing?

National Work Life Week (October 7-11) provided the opportunity for employers and employees to focus on wellbeing in the workplace and the importance of work life balance.

The fact that there was such an event highlights the growing concern that the world of work can have a negative effect on health, mentally and physically. In today’s fast-paced world, many employers are expecting their employees to take on higher volumes of work and to stay late to meet deadlines.

When a long-hours culture becomes the norm, it’s hard to break it. Employers assume that their staff will knuckle down to show dedication to getting the job done. At the same time, employees fear that, if they don’t put in the hours, it could harm their career.

Some of my clients have told me that they have been working nearly 18 hours a day, which is one of the reasons they have sought one of my health programmes. Without a proper work life balance, people become stressed, tired and demotivated. So, as we say, prevention is better than the cure.

I’ve mentioned these statistics before but they’re worth repeating. Figures from the Health and Safety Executive show that 15.4 million working days were lost due to stress in 2017/18, up from 12.5 million the previous year. This equates to 57.3 per cent of the 26.8 million working days lost due to ill health.

Now, as the nights draw in, those who are already feeling depressed are likely to become more withdrawn. The winter months affect our neurotransmitters, we get less vitamin D and an increase in melatonin. This is a mood regulator that reduces energy during darkness to aid sleep. But it also contributed to increased fatigue and even depression.

Look after your employees

While the paycheque is, of course, essential, employees also want their skills to be valued and to feel that what they do matters. That’s why it’s so important that employers recognise people as individuals and support their sense of worth.

By giving priority to wellbeing and work life balance, employers will reap the benefits of having a happier staff who will look forward to coming to work and be prepared to go the extra mile.

Results from a study by Mercer in 2018 bear this out. It collected input from 800 business executives, 1,800 HR leaders and more than 5,000 employees across 21 industries and from 44 countries. The study identified top talent trends. This can be useful for companies that are trying to stay ahead of the game with employee satisfaction. The findings showed that flexible working, health and wellbeing and a sense of purpose were paramount.

First and foremost, employers need to trust their employees. Unfortunately, in some sectors, there’s a belief that working from home is shirking from home. Obviously working from home may not always be suitable, depending on the business. But there’s no reason why people can’t work different hours. Flexible working can and does lead to better productivity.

As well as providing flexibility, employers should be aware of any issues or problems that employees are facing. Perhaps difficulty with a co-worker or being the victim of bullying. Maybe events at home are having an impact. It’s worth considering providing a forum for discussing health and wellbeing and getting to the root cause of what is making an employee distressed.

In the long term, employers benefit from better employee engagement and work quality through improved morale. It helps to retain staff, therefore saving money on retraining replacements. There could also be further savings in temporary cover, recruitment costs and health insurance.

Talk to your employer

Employees, on the other hand, should be prepared to grasp the mettle and talk to their bosses. Tell them about any problems you may be experiencing. They may be more sympathetic than you think.

As a naturopath, I can suggest ways of combating the mental and physical effects of stress. Breathing techniques work wonders in stimulating relaxing and lowering blood pressure.

Try listening to music to boost your mood and, it’s essential to get a good night’s sleep. Don’t be tempted to turn to stimulants such as alcohol and caffeine when feeling low – they only make the stress worse.

Natural food supplements, such as vitamin B complex will support the nervous system and boost energy levels.

Given that most of us spend a large chunk of our time at work, better flexibility and balance is good everyone. After all, we only have one life so we need to do everything we can to protect it and stay healthy.

If you would like to find out more about how naturopathy can help, email me at

food intolerance

Food intolerance test London

Is your diet making you ill? A food intolerance test in London with Future Health Management will provide the answer 

In the UK, around two million people suffer from some sort of food intolerance or allergy. The good news is that there’s a simple, but smart, non-invasive and painless food intolerance test that can determine what part of your diet is having an adverse effect on your health.

First, let’s look at the symptoms. The most common are bloating, constipation, weight loss, migraines, fat malabsorption and diarrhoea. In severe cases, food intolerance can lead to anaemia and vitamin D deficiency.

The cause of food intolerance is the immune system identifying certain constituents as foreign invaders. It can happen at any stage of your life but, usually, it kicks off if you start to eat more fast food or get into bad habits.

Common food intolerances

Wheat is one of the most common culprits. One of the main reasons is that most of the bread we eat today has far more preservatives, such as:

  • Calcium propionate for a longer shelf life
  • Amylase
  • Chlorine dioxide, which bleaches the flour
  • L-cysteine hydrochloride – E920, used to make the dough more elastic

All the above help to keep the bread soft, white and light. Traditional bread is just made from flour, yeast, salt and water. This is much better for you but doesn’t keep as well.

A key source of intolerance is gluten. This is due to a process called hybridisation of the wheat which adds new proteins. It can cause systemic inflammation and higher rates of celiac disease. Also, we eat far more gluten today than our ancestors did, as wheat is often found in fast food and prepared foods.

Examples of other common causes of intolerances are chocolate, strawberries, dairy products, nuts and food additives, such as nitrates in processed meats.

Food intolerance test

You can keep a food diary to identify which foods are causing a problem. However, this is a lengthy process and requires diligence and patience.

At Future Health Management I use a number of food intolerance tests and biofeedback therapy in London, with full support once the results come in. There are a variety of tests available for identifying intolerances. However, I usually suggest an ALCAT test. It involves taking a blood sample – I realise some people are squeamish about needles – but it does give a good indication of what foods may be making you ill. It takes about 14 days to get the test results which show four sensitivity levels – severe, moderate, mild and acceptable. The programme offers a diet to follow according to a four-day cycle. This rotation helps to optimise your eating habits and to give the body a rest.

Alternatively, there is biofeedback therapy. This is a simple, smart and on-invasive option, in other words, needle-free. The machine has an accuracy rate of 98% and results come within 60-90 minutes. It works by scanning and measuring the body’s organs and tissues for their frequency energy levels and identifies how each food reacts with the digestive system. Once the scan is complete, I can then tailor a nutritional plan to suit.

Banishing the culprits

Ideally, you need to cut out the affected foods from your diet for three to six months and then try reintroducing them one at a time to see if thee are any issues. Finding substitutes can be difficult. The good news is that the food intolerance issue is more widely recognised and stores increasingly gave gluten-free sections.

As a naturopathic nutritionist, I help clients to find the diet that works for them. It might just be simply cutting portion sizes. For example, if fructose is a problem, having half a cup of fruit juice may not affect you quite as severely as having a full cup.

The important thing to remember is, if you are excluding things from your diet, you have to replace them via other avenues. So, if wheat is causing a problem, then it’s important to swap it for another fibre-containing food, such as buckwheat or brown, gluten-free bread. Similarly, with dairy, you need to go for alternatives that will keep up your calcium levels, i.e. almond or coconut milk.

If you would like to find out more about a food intolerance test in London, then please feel free to contact me

The cost of work-related stress to business and naturopathy’s role in tackling the root cause

The cost of work-place stress

The cost of work-related stress to business and naturopathy’s role in tackling the root cause

Work-related stress is bad for health and it also has an impact on the bottom line. The costs to the UK economy are an estimated £6.5 billion a year.

As an employer, are you aware of just how many sick days your workers take each year due to stress, anxiety or depression caused by on-the-job pressures? If the absenteeism is prolonged, as well as paying their wages, you may have to fund temporary replacement workers and/or pay overtime to other employees. A study carried out in the US among 18 industries showed that a 10% increase in overtime actually lowers productivity by 2.4%.

Also, if the people filling in have not been trained properly, they could become stressed themselves – it’s a vicious circle. In addition to lost productivity, there’s the personal mental and physical costs.

Companies are responsible for making sure that their staff don’t become ill as a direct result of their employment. Also, stress can be avoided, or at least reduced. As a qualified naturopath I can help businesses to take a preventative approach to workplace stress – no medication required. Instead I offer a series of holistic programmes aimed at strengthening the body naturally, aimed at strengthening the body naturally, with a focus on immunity and mental and physical well-being to lower stress levels.

What is stress?

Firstly, let’s look at stress and its causes. The World Health Organisation defines work-related stress as “the response people may have when presented with work demands and pressures that are not matched to their knowledge and abilities and which challenge their ability to cope”.

It seems that the problem is getting worse. The Health and Safety Executive reported that 26.8 million work days were lost to ill health in Great Britain in 2017/18. Of those 15.4 million days were the result of stress – that’s 57.3%.

There are loads more stats showing the upward trend. For instance, the total number of new or long-standing cases of work-related stress, depression or anxiety was 595,000, up from 526,000 in 2016/17. The incidence rate for new cases was 720 per 100,000 workers.

Of course, there may be other factors contributing to stress, such as juggling work and personal lives. But the perception is that more people are burdened by stress today than they were a generation ago.

The top issues caused by undue pressures and demands of the job and which cost companies in lost productivity and absences are:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Mental health problems
  • Heart and respiratory diseases
  • Nutritional problems

Research has shown that individuals who work more than 55 hours a week increase the risk of developing a stroke by a third and have a 13% higher risk of heart disease. Respiratory conditions, such as asthma, may be exacerbated by stress.

Tackling the root cause

As I mentioned earlier, you can root out stress without the aid of pills. While medication might help in the short term, it will not fix the problem. Naturopathy provides a long-term vision that can resolve the underlying issues and help companies to prosper.

I can offer ways of combating the mental and physical effects of stress on their bodies:

  • Breathing techniques to help lower blood pressure and bring down stress
  • Provide natural supportive supplements to cope with the internal stress and start the healing process
  • Give guidance on how to lower stress, including avoiding stimulants such as cigarettes, caffeine and alcohol which can add to the stress burden
  • Recommendations for improving their self-image and finding social support, for example, joining an exercise class

A key part of my approach is looking at the person as a whole, including other issues that could be making the problem worse. They might not be sleeping properly or could have intolerances that are causing irritation and keeping their brain foggy and inducing feelings of lethargy.

These things can be prevented and, by really getting down to the nitty gritty of what is causing the stress and anxiety could really help employees who are struggling. They would certainly be grateful to employers who are prepared to understand what is making them stressed and unhappy and contributing to absenteeism. It will also take the stress away from co-workers.

As an employer, you would benefit from better employee engagement and work quality through improved morale. This, in turn would help you retain staff, therefore saving money on retraining replacements. There could also be further savings in temporary cover, recruitment costs and health insurance.

I’d be happy to chat with you about helping stressed-out employees. Sometimes it can affect your best people. As they say, a healthy workforce is a happy workforce. And a happy workforce will be much more productive and better for the long-term health of your bottom line.

If you would like to find out more about how naturopathy can help, email me at

How tackling food intolerance means less time off work

Did you know that food intolerance's can reduce your productivity and energy levels in the workplace?

Common causes

Common causes of workplace absenteeism are fatigue, migraines, anxiety, depression, IBS symptoms and nausea. Two in five have taken time off or reduced their responsibilities due to these symptoms.

In many cases these symptoms are linked to food intolerance's, but sufferers may not be aware that it’s their diet that is to blame. The problem is that food intolerance is not something you are born with, it can develop at a later stage of your life. Also, the effects can last for days, which is why it’s difficult to pinpoint which food is the culprit – keeping a food diary can help but, but it can take a long time and a lot of patience to figure it out.

Repair work for better health

When you’ve had food intolerance's, you have to do some repair work after the offending foods have been banished from the diet to give the body a chance to reduce inflammation.  This is where naturopathy works well in getting these individuals back on track.

While the NHS does a great job, it doesn’t take a preventative approach to food intolerance. It focuses on alleviating the symptoms, not dealing with the root cause like naturopathy would.

The Naturopathic approach

The naturopathic approach involves testing to find out exactly what foods are bad for your health and eliminating them for three-six months. Then you take one at a time, testing it at least twice or three times on a day, then use a four-day rotation method. Sometimes digestive enzymes are given to remove the burden on the digestive system.

In the ten years that I have been practising, I have seen many people with an array of intolerance's and it’s a joy to see their faces, when they start feeling so much better.

Do contact me for further information at

Preventative steps against ovarian cancer

Women over the age of 45 are most at risk of ovarian cancer and more than 7,000 will be diagnosed with the disease in the UK every year.

As I mentioned in my previous article on prostate cancer, March is ovarian and prostate cancer awareness month. The aim is to shine the spotlight on the importance of detecting and treating the disease early.

Here are some of the increased risk factors involved:

  • Endometriosis – when the lining of the womb grows outside the womb
  • When women have been on HRT for seven years of more (1% of ovarian cancer cases are linked to HRT).
  • Smoking
  • Hormonal disruptors: exposed to herbicides, pesticides and drinking out of plastic bottles

From the point of view of a naturopathic nutritionist, I aim to take a preventative approach to ill health. While this is in no way a treatment for ovarian cancer, if there is a family history of the disease, there are things you can do regarding diet and lifestyle to lower the risk.

What protects against ovarian cancers?

  • Drinking tea may lower the risk of ovarian cancer.  This can be green tea, black tea or any herbal teas. Black tea has powerful compounds (flavonoids) with strong disease-fighting properties.
  • Eat a colourful diet such as vegetables and fruit, those have high antioxidants.
  • Stay lean by exercising and maintaining a healthy body weight. Keeping things like high cholesterol and blood pressure at bay.  This may also help the formation of polycystic ovarian cysts, by keeping away the bad fats.
  • Include allium vegetables, containing high levels of flavanols, such as onions, garlic, leeks and chives and organosulphur (sulphur rich foods such as Brussels sprouts, bok choy, cabbage and cauliflower) compounds, which contribute to the anticancer effects.

Overview of other things to consider

  • Environmental and industrial toxicity: air, food and water pollutants
  • Bacteria, fungus, moulds, yeast and parasites
  • Electromagnetic toxins refer to PC’s, Wi-Fi and microwaves.
  • Household chemicals: cleaners, air fresheners, wax and paints.
  • Personal care products: hair dyes, bleaches, hairsprays and lotions.
  • Heavy metal: amalgam fillings, food packaging, lead pipes and antiperspirants.

Preventative and natural approach to support cancer

The body needs an optimum level of nutrients; this mean eating a well-balanced diet, if not organic.  It is important to supplement your body with the nutrients it requires. Therefore, a multivitamin and mineral supplement will support the body with a good level of nutrients.

I believe that the body should have a good balance of essential fatty acids, this means omega 3,6 and 9, which not only acts as an anti-inflammatory but also helps to balance your hormones. Vitamin C is a great bioflavonoid and provides great preventative support for cancer.  Linus Pauling, who was a biochemist and a two-time Nobel Laureate did a series of books, starting with Vitamin C and the Common Cold in 1970, followed by Vitamin C, the Common Cold and the Flu (1976), Vitamin C and Cancer (1979), and How to Feel Better and Live Longer (1986).

Taking a good probiotic will ensure that you are giving your gut health enough friendly bacteria, which will also help prevent and deactivated oestrogen that has been deposited into the gut to be activated again by all those unfriendly bacteria.

Prevention is better than cure and if you want to consider a more natural approach to dealing with your health, I provide a free telephone consultation to see how I can help, or you can email me at

The preventative approach to prostate health

The preventative approach to prostate health


Every year around 47,700 men in the UK are diagnosed with prostate cancer and the numbers are expected to rise by 12% up to 2035.

March has been designated ovarian and prostate cancer awareness month to focus on the importance of early detection and treatment. (I’ll look at ovarian cancer in a separate article).

The prostate is a walnut-size gland that sits below the bladder that secretes seminal fluids. As men get older, the prostate gland enlarges gradually to approximately the size of a lemon, and it does this due to changes in hormones like testosterone and oestrogen. Some hormones can also be disrupted by environmental factors.

As a naturopathic nutritionist I concentrate on taking a preventative approach to ill health. Of course, it’s important to stress that naturopathy is not a treatment for prostate cancer but, if there is predisposition in the family, there are dietary and lifestyle steps you can take to lower the chance of it happening.

Hormone disruptors

Drinking out of plastic bottles and eating foods exposed to herbicides, pesticides and petrochemicals, are all linked to hormonal disruptors and the formation of cancers.

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), an androgen hormone responsible for the biological characteristics of males, is normally broken down, but this process is inhibited by an excess of oestrogen's. The concentration of DHT collects in the prostate, causing the overproduction of prostate cells, which results in an enlargement of the prostate.

Foods which should be avoided

As I mentioned earlier, diet can help to keep the prostate healthy and I would recommend avoiding the following:

  • Processed foods, such as pies, meats and pastries
  • Non-organic meat which is normally injected with chemical hormones, which may contribute to risk of prostate cancer
  • BBQ as charring of the meat can be carcinogenic

Foods and natural remedies that support the prostate

The mineral zinc is more abundant in the prostate than in any other organ and zinc-deficiency is commonly-associated with prostate issues.

Along with zinc-containing fruits, eggs and brown rice, wheat germ, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, the following are recommended:

  • Fish high in essential fats, especially salmon and fresh tuna
  • Fibre to help balance hormones naturally
  • Red, orange and green foods as these contain good levels of antioxidants. Or make sure you take a good food-based supplement with CoQ10
  • Saw Palmetto is another natural supplement for enlarged prostate issues. Taking 150 to 320 mg of the standardised extract twice a day will provide you with support. There are many health stores offering this product.

Other helpful tips included buying BPA (bisphenol A) free bottles and drinking filtered water, because hormone residues from the contraceptive pill are found in most water supplies. Ingesting these can have an oestrogen-like effect in the body, which in the long term can bring about hormonal cancers.

Bad habits can cause long term health issues

Keeping the body in a well-balanced state is one of the most important factors in avoiding ill health.  The body cannot live with alkaline foods alone. It works very efficiently and has several processes for balancing the alkalinity and acidity. Therefore, if you do not give the body what it needs, and are not eating a healthy diet which is rich in vitamins and minerals; in this case the minerals, to neutralise the blood and bring it back from and acidic state to an alkaline state, it will begin to rob these minerals from where ever it can, such as from the bones and joints. For example, our stomach acid is there to break down the foods we eat, if you are drinking lots of carbonated water or even ionised water, it will neutralise your stomach acid, making it hard for the digestive system to break down foods. The gut is like our temple, keeping this healthy will keep the rest of you healthy.

From a naturopathic view, the question that must be asked is what metabolic process has caused the cancer cells? Cancer materialises over time, and therefore the naturopathic approach focuses more on a preventative goal, this will be looking at the diet, looking at what lifestyle factors may cause ill health, looking at what genetic factors have you inherited from your parents.

Prevention is better than cure and if you want to consider a more natural approach to dealing with your health, I provide a free telephone consultation to see how I can help, or you can email me at

Eating and drinking to stay healthy for longer

Water, water everywhere – but are you drinking enough? And is your fluid intake part of a healthy and balanced diet?

Nutrition and Hydration Week is focusing on precisely this. It’s also a cornerstone of naturopathy’s preventative approach to healthcare and well-being.

Let’s consider hydration first. The human body is two thirds water. It needs it to improve the delivery of oxygen to the cells, transport nutrients, lubricate joints, hydrate the skin and regulate body temperature.

Signs of dehydration

When you feel thirsty, your body is telling you that it needs hydrating. The consequences of not drinking enough can be severe. Dehydration is one of the main causes of acute kidney damage and a common cause of constipation. It’s also associated with a two-fold increase in mortality among stroke patients.

Even mild dehydration can have an adverse effect on your mental performance, including concentration and reaction time, and you will feel more tired.

A dry mouth, lips and tongue are the common signs of dehydration. You may also feel dizzy and disorientated.

You will probably go to the toilet less. The colour of your urine is a useful indicator of hydration. If it’s pale and odourless, that’s a good sign, whereas dark and strong-smelling urine indicates dehydration.

Preventing dehydration

Ideally, you need to drink the equivalent of six to eight glasses of fluid a day to keep fully hydrated. Obviously, water is recommended as it doesn’t contain any calories but low-fat milk, tea and coffee (in moderation) are fine. Avoid drinking too much alcohol. If water seems too boring, you could give it a bit of zest with a slice of lemon or lime. Alternatively, drink sparking water.

It’s best to avoid, or at least limit, soft drinks. Most of these are high in sugar, which is bad for your teeth and your waistline.

Older people are particularly vulnerable to dehydration. This is in part due to the ageing process, including a reduced sensation of thirst and the onset of dementia. Nutrition and Hydration Week has been focusing on good practice for the elderly in hospital and social care.

If you have an elderly relative, why not take time to check that they are drinking enough.

Eating for good health

Also, as we age, it’s even more important to follow a healthy and balanced diet. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. In particular, choose the rainbow foods – red, yellow, green, blue and purple – which contain antioxidants. These include kidney beans, beetroot, cherries, plums and carrots.

Increasing your intake of fibre will help to clear any excess cholesterol. Limit your carbohydrates to the starchy kind: potatoes, bread, rice and pasta. Choose wholegrain options where possible.

Eat more oily fish, such as salmon, sardines and mackerel, which have an anti-inflammatory effect.

It goes without saying that you should avoid foods high in sugar, although you may allow yourself the odd treat.

By eating plenty of the right foods and drinking enough you can stay healthy for longer.