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Lose a few inches before Christmas and and gain that party energy you need

With Christmas around the corner, I’m sure you’re looking forward to letting your hair down a little and enjoying the festive season after an exceedingly difficult year.

Whether you’re a city worker or you are in your twenties, thirties or forties and want to have great levels of energy to enjoy your Christmas 💃 and 🍾, this program I’m running on the 1st of December will leave you feeling full of energy, and less likely to wake up with a bad headache after a party.

The bonus is that you lose a little weight just in time for the Christmas munchies. 

Effectively it’s a win-win situation for your waist band and your festive energy and it will stop you from turning into the A cartoon of a frog wearing a hat

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The program will focus on cleansing the liver, so if you have a glass or two (or three),  you won’t be left with the terrible aftermath party headache 😆

It is quite comprehensive, and you get lots of support from me 😉 with lots of takeaway materials you can use again.

Happy to jump on a 10 min call and I will explain how the program works, what you get with it before you buy it. 

Program begins on 1st December 2021 – Price: £320