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Although it’s customary to make a resolution in the New Year, the tradition is to start the year with a fresh start, particularly as I’m sure everyone would like to put Covid 2020 behind us.

Starting the New Year with a fresh start could mean, regaining better control of your health, loosing weight that you may have put on during the previous year, or may have been because you’ve lost yourself a little during the previous year. It’s a time to reflect on the good and positive things, a time to leave all the negative things behind, the old year.

January is the time to celebrate change, I look at it, a bit like, when Spring comes a long, new flowers blossom and help uplift our spirits with beautiful spring colours and beautiful change, after the gloom of the winter dark months take its toll on our health and wellbeing both mentally and physically.

Change will happen once you decide that you need to do something different to fulfil your health goal. One or two health goals are easier to do. Set yourself up with a realistic goal, to make the resolution easier to carry through from start to end.

Looking back at your previous year will help you set up those goals which are important to you.

One of my own resolutions is to lose a bit of weight, especially after Christmas, as we do tend to indulge ourselves more.

Here five tips to keep you on track:

  • Make resolutions easy, for example if you want to lose weight start with a program that others have found helpful, or you’ve read about, a program that has diet plans, shopping lists and supplements that are used to detox your body.
  • Do your program with other members of the family or friends that have the same or similar goal, this way it helps you stay on track, by helping each other.
  • Start small – You may find that this gives you the mindset to take you to the next step toward completing your goal.
  • Do things that complement what you are already doing, for example, easy exercises, like walking, following a class video, to keep you “health goal mindset”
  • Ask your friends and family to offer encouragement

Come and join our community of detoxifiers starting 8th of February 2021- This may help you start the year making those small improvements that you’ve been looking and thinking about doing.

Click here to start my program and click here to find out more about the detoxing and the benefits it offers your health.