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Sometimes regular foods can have a negative effect on the body and can make you feel quite ill. Food intolerances are quite common these days, particularly intolerance to gluten or wheat, though you can become intolerant to any particular food.

Why do we become intolerant to a foodstuff? It could be because the body may not be producing enough of a particular enzyme to process it. For example some people may become lactose intolerant due to a shortage of the enzyme lactase which helps the process of breaking down the milk sugar into simpler forms that can be absorbed into the bloodstream. Another reason may be eating fast which can cause intolerances due to undigested food particles being present in the body.

People experience different symptoms some of which may be these:

  • Aching joints
  • ADHD (attention Deficit hyperactivity Disorder)
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhoea
  • Fatigue or low energy levels
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Migraines
  • Stress

When do you need a Food Intolerance Test (FIT)?

If your body exhibits symptoms like the ones above it is always advisable to do something sooner rather than later. If left untreated it may cause bigger issues like Candida, which is a yeast infection in the gut. Toxicity levels can rise in your body, causing other problems like leaky gut, further intolerance and inflammation.

What does the FIT machine do?

The original concept behind the machine, to be used to complete a food intolerance test, was developed in Germany and has been used for the past few years by doctors and natural healthcare practitioners, including naturopaths.

The machine is capable of measuring changes in the body’s resistance, which helps determine potentially harmful foods. This form of testing is known as Bioenergetics Resonance Medicine (BER). The machine has an accuracy rate of 75 – 80% AND PROVIDES IMMEDIATE RESULTS. Once the test has been interpreted, I provide clients with results by giving them a comprehensive report pinpointing potential problem foods and advising them accordingly.

Another test that is available takes a small amount of blood which is sent to a laboratory. With this test you will not get an immediate response until you receive your results through the post, which may take a week.

Please feel free to ask for further information.

How does the FIT machine work?

The Bioenergetics resonance machine works by running a specialised pen over the tip of the finger. It tests against a homeopathic poetised version of the food or item, placed in the intolerance machine, where a reading is made. This reading shows me if there is a resistance which in turn indicates intolerance to the food in question. The test takes an hour and once completed I will provide you with a twelve page report indicating the items that have shown up.

Testing your Vitamin and Mineral levels

The machine is also capable of testing your vitamin and mineral levels to find out if you are deficient in any of these. These will also be made available on the report provided if you choose to have these tested.

What is the cost of the Food intolerance test?

The test (100 foods) and a basic nutritional programme, costs from £150 to £200.

Follow-up sessions cost between £70-£100 depending on the programme.

Where can I have the test done?

You can have this done at Ealing (W5 Clinic), Wimpole Street (W1 Clinic), or Harley Street (W1). Just let me know which clinic is best for you.

What are the benefits of having this test done?

  • Understanding your food intolerance and vitamin or mineral deficiencies will allow you to combat or substantially reduce your health complaints.
  • You will be provided a basic nutritional programme designed by a nutritional expert who will enable you to put your new found knowledge into practise and ensure you don’t slip back into old eating habits.
  • If you follow the programme you can expect to experience increased energy and concentration levels.