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Flu season starts in October, this is when vaccines are usually administered by the GP to protect you from flu.

During winter, temperatures drop, and evenings get much colder and shorter, and being proactive in minimising colds and flu is important, especially now that Covid has been with us since the beginning of this year.

Winter is a time when our immune system become weaker due to colder weather, darker and shorter days, and the realisation that we must wrap up in warmer clothes.   Our emotional state also becomes low, because of our less exposed to sunlight, which will affect the release of our happy hormones. 

Putting steps in place to support the body during winter is important to make sure we protect and provide good levels of defence against flu.

We are now seeing a rise in Covid once again, during a time when our body also has to deal with flu and cold season. 

Viruses survive better in colder weather. When you sneeze, your spreading the flu, and studies have shown that the virus can be strengthened by cold weather conditions.

The virus’s outer layer, called a lipid membrane, is made up of oils, fats, cholesterol and waxes. Researchers believe that this outer coating allows the flu virus to survive in colder conditions and travels from person to person, which is how the virus spreads. 

According to the National Institute of Health, that lipid solidifies into a gel at temperatures below freezing, but in temperatures above 70oF that lipid gel begins to melt, which is why the virus does not survive in warmer climates. 

Preparing the immune system

Preparing a strategy to protect your body and immunity before the winter months hit us is important, especially now that we are dealing with covid. 

Preventative steps you can take other than wash your hands and sneeze in your tissue, wear your masks, keep your distance is all good advise you should be following as general guidelines, but there are other preventative approaches you could be practicing by putting these into place to minimise the effects of flu and it’s spread to loved ones. 

Vitamin D is something we need due the lack of sunlight we get during winter; most people are vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D also offers protections to our immune systems because it reduces viral growth and can reduce upper respiratory infections, especially if you are prone to these types of infections. 

The mineral Zinc has strong antiviral properties against many viruses, it enhances the immune system, decreases viral growth, and reduces symptoms of the virus. This includes covid. 

Vitamin C protects and supports various cellular functions of the immune system and has been used in hospitals to treat covid-19 infections.

Lifestyle changes are also just as important, like lowering stress, minimising mucus forming foods which is not great during flu or covid as these foods weaken the lungs. 

Our supplements are food sourced

The information offered on my blog post, will provide you with a good start to making improvements and supporting your immunity against flu and covid. We have some great vitamins that are well absorbed by the body and good for vegans and vegetarian. They have been carefully created in the UK for Native Nutrients, which is Future Health Managements brand of supplements. As a naturopathic functional medicine practitioner, I take great pride in offering you one of the best and natural supplements on the market.  They are free of wheat gluten, added sugars, colourings including flavourings and preservatives, and are sourced from food. 

I am offering you a 15% discount off your first order and free shipping on orders over £45. 

Click HERE to place your order

If you would like to prepare yourself for the flu season ahead, then please take advantage of my 15-minute free telephone consultation.

Looking forward to helping you further
